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Books - Write Useful


Books are, of course, part of useful writing. I’ll be writing and publishing books that will be of practical use in your life. They’ll be added to this book section as they are available.

The Budget-Friendly Living series will be covering all kinds of skills and ideas to help you live well, happily, within your means.

For the first book, I decided to start with something I really enjoy, sewing.

Sewing on a Budget is available for Kindle and in paperback format. It covers basic supplies – what you actually need, and things that you might want to plan for, how to find affordable supplies and materials, and how to use sewing to save money, help others, and enrich your life. Sewing is a hobby that can be very expensive if you don’t put some planning and thought into it; this book outlines how to stay within a budget, ways that your sewing can help you save money, give ideas on how to help others with your sewing, and even gives a few ideas that might help you make a little money. (And isn’t the little boy on the cover cute?)

Vegetarian Cooking on a Budget gives you all the information you need to learn how to cook affordable, delicious vegetarian dishes. You’ll have the basics of nutrition, how to stock your pantry, what tools to keep in your kitchen, and how to find the cheapest places to get good food.

VCoaB book cover
Next book in the Living on a Budget Series is available!

Add Vegetarian Cooking on a Budget to your kitchen today!