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Next Book is Available! - Write Useful
Next Book is Available!

Next Book is Available!

VCoaB book cover
The next book in the Living on a Budget Series is available!

The next book in the Living Well on a Budget Series, Vegetarian Cooking on a Budget, is available in both kindle and paperback versions.

Have you ever looked through your cupboards of ready-to-cook mixes and wanted to get started making more real food, but not been sure where to start? Have you leafed through vegetarian cookbooks, and decided it looked too complicated, or odd, or not like foods you’d really eat? Or just that a lot of the ingredients look strange, exotic, or costly? Do you like home-cooked meals but thought it took too much work, time, or money to do it for yourself?

Cooking for yourself is not difficult, and doesn’t have to take a lot of time. In this book you’ll get:

  • Simple tips for eating more healthfully.
  • Easy recipes that you can use as a basis for home cooking.
  • Unusual recipes from my family recipe boxes.
  • Tips and ideas after many of the recipes, giving you ideas of how to make variations and start experimenting.
  • Guidelines for choosing tools and utensils that are necessary and helpful, and which ones just are not that useful, so you can save money and space.-
  • Lists for keeping a well-stocked pantry, so you always have options for your meals.
  • Basics of seasoning and making flavorful dishes, explanation of what to keep in your spice shelf.
  • Hints about how to keep your food budget under control.

Whether you are just starting out or you already have a bookcase of cookbooks and a well-stocked kitchen, this book will be useful to you. Delicious, nutritious, easy, cheap – these are my go-to recipes, some passed down for three generations and some I’ve just found myself making over and over.

Vegetarian Cooking on a Budget is a great addition to your kitchen!

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